Using Dress It Up Dressing to create Chicken Salad is a healthy trick that leaves your chicken salad without the mayo, yet with all the creamy goodness of a traditional chicken salad.
When paired with a wrap - get creative, we love this on Siete's Almond flour tortilla - you get a substantial lunch that's ready in a flash and can be made to anyone's preferences. It's gluten-free, fresh and flavorful, and satisfying without the guilt.
Chicken Salad wrap with Dress It Up Dressing Champagne vinaigrette
Rated 4.0 stars by 1 users
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Using Dress It Up Dressing to create Chicken Salad is a healthy trick that gives you chicken salad without the mayo, yet with all the creamy goodness of a traditional chicken salad.
When paired with a wrap - get creative, we love this on Siete's Almond flour tortilla - you get a substantial lunch that's ready in a flash and can be made to anyone's preferences. It's gluten-free, fresh and flavorful, and satisfying without the guilt.
The Champagne Vinaigrette works beautifully with this recipe, but the Red Wine Vinaigrette or the Apple Cider would be suitable replacements.
Author:Dress It Up

2 chicken breasts - roasted
2 stalks celery
1 beet - roasted
1/4 cup fresh parsley
1 stem of dill
1/4 cup Dress It Up Dressing Champagne Vinaigrette
1/4 cup plain greek yogurt
1 handful of Arugula
2 tbsp dijon mustard
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 Seite Almond Flour tortillas
For the chicken salad
Roasting the chicken breast is easy enough, if you don't buy it pre-roasted (who are we kidding, on the busier of days, buy the rotisserie chicken.... on the busiest of days, we can all resort to store-bought chicken salad!).
To roast the chicken, just put the breasts in a pyrex dish with a little olive oil, salt and a squeeze of lemon on top and let them cook in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes. You can cook the beets at the same time by wrapping them in foil and letting them steam themselves within. Remove both from oven and let them cool.
Once the chicken is cool, cube it, or shred it with two forks, as you prefer and place in a bowl.
Slice the celery and add to the bowl.
Rinse and chop the parsley and dill and add to the bowl.
In a separate bowl, combine the dressing, yogurt and lemon.
Add dressing mixture to chicken and toss until thoroughly mixed. Salt and pepper to taste and then chill until ready to serve.
We find the almond flour tortillas (any tortilla for that matter) are better toasted. But they don't fit in our toaster, so we just place the tortilla on top of the toaster and enjoy watching the bubbles form!
Once toasted, place the chicken salad on a bed of arugula. We get fancy with our cookie cutters and our beets and make them lovely, and then an extra drizzle of Dress It Up to make it splendid and voila! Lunch is served.